Taken from the collection Positive Memories, compiled by T. Rivas.
Source: Dr. Frits Bernard describes several cases in his article, De gevolgen voor het kind in the book Sex met kinderen which he co-wrote with dr. E. Brongersma, Ids Haagsma, & dr. W.J. Sengers, edited by Peter van Eeten. The Hague: Stichting Uitgeverij NVSH, 1972.
An important case mentioned in his essay is Casus 6 (pages 75-76). It concerns the testimony of a 25-year-old man. Here are the main facts.
When he was about eight years old, he met a man on the street, who told him he liked the way he was playing. The man invited him for a ride on his bike and later on he also asked the boy to visit him.
They became friends and the boy was allowed to call him by his first name. The man told him about his homosexuality and informed him about the various forms of sexual orientation. The relationship became closer and the man showed him lots of love. When the boy was around ten years old, they started having sex with each other. The boy enjoyed it greatly and the sexual relationship lasted till he was about eighteen.
The (former) boy is married now and has shared his positive experiences with his wife. He believes the ‘pedophile’ relationship served as a good introduction to his adult love life.
He still has a special friendship with his former lover.