Yard Work

Ronald entered into an intimate relationship with his high school teacher at 14. At 15 he was admitted to psychiatry.

Taken from the collection Positive Memories, compiled by T. Rivas.

Source: The Male Adolescent Involved With A Pederast Becomes An Adult. Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 3(4), 373-382, Summer 1978.

Ronald was referred at age fifteen because of rapid mood swings, unpredictability and periods of depression. He was doing poorly in school at the time, was of low average ability, and was reading at about 1½ years below grade placement.

By his own report he had reached puberty between twelve and thirteen. He had been introduced by two older brothers to mutual masturbation and fellatio.

Toward the end of his 14th year, he was doing yard work for a married, childless high school teacher. They became aware of mutual sexual attraction. During the following four years, mutual masturbation and fellatio occurred at least weekly between the two. They became fond of each other, but no sexual relations occurred after Ronald’s 20th birthday.

Ronald is now 46 years of age. He has lost touch with the teacher. He has a family of three children and holds a blue-collar assembly line position. He is buying his own home and seems to have the typical problems of the upper lower-class family man. He has had no law violation except traffic. At age 45, the age of last follow-up, he personally reported that he has had no desire for homosexual relations since age twenty.