How did a 5-year-old know?

This article is a short excerpt from an article by sexologist Bruce Rind. He presents the report of C.A. Tripp, who had a sexual experience with a handyman at the age of 5.

Source: Article ‘Blinded by Politics and Morality - A Reply to McAnulty and Wright’ by Bruce Rind; From the book ‘Censoring Sex Research - The Debate over Male Intergenerational Relations’ edited by Thomas K. Hubbard & Beert Verstraete; Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA; 2013


C.A. Tripp (1919-2003) was a gay clinician, scholar, sexologist, and expert on the Kinsey data (he began his career in sexology working for Kinsey and his own story is part of the Kinsey archives, because he was one of the thousands or so gay men interviewed). Because of my meta-analysis, Tripp became interested in communicating with me. […] When he was 5 years old, growing up in Oklahoma, one day his mother called a repairman to go under the house, which was raised up on stilts, to fix a leak. Tripp followed the man, whom he later referred to as Gandhi (his “liberator”), and could see his penis through a crack in his pants. Within one minute, Tripp reported, he “seduced” the man, performing oral sex on him “before he knew it.” How did a 5-year-old know to do this? He answered that it emerged out of nowhere but just felt right; he had no prior sexual experience or knowledge. The man began pushing the boy away, but with “curiosity,” in Tripp’s perception, so the boy did not believe the rebuff and continued the sex act. He remembered that the man was “floored,” but reported that he himself “loved it all.”
